Friday, January 10, 2014

Erotica Vs. Porn

I love erotica. I also enjoy porn... But there there's a difference between the two. Both contain similar elements, but how do they compare? I hear this question a lot and I tired of the confusion people have. Therefore, let me explain of my thoughts on the subject.


  • Focuses on the act of sex, not plot (written or video)
  • Traditionally unrealistic, depicting body types and acts that others are envious of (video)
  • The target audience is more often male than female (Yes, women watch pornographic videos, but statistically more men purchase pornographic videos and imagery in comparison to women).
  • Triggers a primal instinct in the viewer through literal imagery in a short amount of time, which arouses the viewer (video)
  • Porn lacks detailed description and uses vulgarity to describe sex acts (written)

  • Focuses on character and story with the written word
  • Can be unrealistic, fantastical, or a traditional love story
  • Allows the reader to imagine their own imagery 
  • Creates arousal through lengthy description
  • Tells a story that conveys various emotions, creating a connection with the reader 
  • Target audience is more focused on the female population (regardless of author gender)
I hope this helps clarify things for people. Don't let yourself get confused. Erotica is not necessarily better than porn, or vice versa. Just make sure you know the fucking difference! 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. both have a place in a healthy loving relationship, and as a couple you will decide which offers more appeal and sexual excitement to you both! be open, and honest and enjoy the journey!

  3. I like to think that what I write is a healthy cross-over, with elements of both, but leaning more towards erotica. I do put in an effort to let the literary aspect of my stories prevail over the primal sex descriptions :p
