Wednesday, February 19, 2014

To Write What You Know...

This is the oldest argument out there. I grow tired of discussing it, so I'm going to put my thoughts down here. The whole world can argue away without me. I'm so done.

WRITE WHAT YOU FUCKING KNOW!!!!!!!  (*^@(#!!*#&^%)

Do you know how hard it is to read a piece of literature that's just a bunch of bullshit? Sure, anyone can be creative, tell a story, and add elements that are entertaining, but... is it convincing?

I've never been in an official dungeon. Not because I'm afraid to take a look, or because I'm turned off by it, but because the opportunity never presented itself (I have all I need available at home, although, I'm lining up a tour for educational purposes). But now, as a blossoming writer of erotic fiction, could I accurately describe the sexual instruments, decor, feel, smell and sensations, and the type of people associated with a dungeon? Maybe. Could I make my own fictional dungeon believable for the average reader? Probably. Could someone with a full knowledge of the inner workings of actual dungeons tell that what I've written is total bullshit? Umm... probably!

Think of it this way. Could you believe the description of an orgasm written by someone who had never had one?


I know... Now you're going to argue about fantasy and fantasy erotica.

YEAH... We all KNOW fucking Bigfoot is total fiction. There's no actual knowledge behind that one. (If you tell me you've been fucked by Bigfoot, as in, an actual life event, I will fucking smack you). And alien sex? Yeah, same deal. These are examples of where writing what you know does not apply!!!

Basically, if what you write is something that could happen in the real world, make it believable. Make it real. Write what you know based on actual knowledge of your subject matter. It's not only a better read, but it hits a deeper core with those readers who share the same knowledge. You can't connect to your readers with total bullshit. THIS IS IMPORTANT WHEN IT COMES TO SEX. Don't flood the world with bullshit information. It reflects negatively on the REAL side of the written word. You're going to piss of real participators of the kinky sex world with total bullshit.

Are you going to ask if I'm familiar with all the things in my erotic writing? Please do! Let me just say, it's not all bullshit! I've either experienced what I've written about firsthand, or I've researched and/or spoken about with those who have. Education people. Get it done.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Being Ripped A New One

I love reading. I love writing. I love critique.

I recently finished a short story for an erotica competition. It was the first erotic piece I've ever written from a man's point of view. Needless to say, not having a dick can make it hard to describe the actual actions, sensations, and emotions of a man's sexual experience in an accurate way, not to mention what's going on inside his head.

After my critique, my story was a mess of comments that made me laugh at myself. I SUCK at writing from a man's point of view. This is something I need to work on. I'd go as far as asking random strangers to describe their sexual experiences, but surely that would get me locked up or committed. (Feel free to leave comments on what you specifically feel during an erection, jizzing, and blue balls in the comment section below. I'd love to hear about it)

Critique is an important part of the writing process. You can stare and stare and stare at your work for hours, reread it with a fucking microscope, and it will still be filled with typos, plot holes, poor description and inconsistencies you just don't see BECAUSE you are the one who wrote it. You don't know what to look for. You don't know what other people will pick up on. Without a second pair (or 5) of eyes before you publish or submit your work to something, you won't know what you need to work on.

Don't dread your work being shit on and ripped to shreds. Don't cry about people saying "This doesn't work," or "I have no idea what this means," and "This whole paragraph is just stupid." Thank your critique partners for their help and grow from their suggestions. I know I will. My story already sucks a lot less.